I reccomend you to see the movie titled "Pay It Foward." This is my favourite movie. I have seen it many times.
The summary of this story is that the 11 years old boy, Trevor tried to healp 3 people. In his social class, a new teacher gave students an assignment, 'Think what we can do to be a nice world'. Trevor thought hard and he had an idea. 'I will help 3 people, and these people will help also 3 people each, so there are 9 people who are helped. They help other 3 people each again...and again and again...' First he explained to his classmates, they laughed at him because no one believe it couldn't do. However, Trevor tried to help his mother, a homeless man and his classmate who was teased by senior. However, it seemed to be hard for the 11 years old boy to help others. He was depressed and giving up his assignment, but...
the miracle was happend.
Main actor is Haley Joel Osment who played in Trevor. He was also in The Sixth Sense and Artificial Intelligence:AI. His acting has powerd of letting people feel moved, which is wonderful.
Many people think this world was bad, umcomfortable and not fair same as Trevor. There were a thousand of things which are sad, disppointed, cruel and terrible. This movie tried to change people and this terrible world. It is a heartwarming movie. This movie has some kind of power which we forget to have. When I finished to see it, I could not stop crying. Now we have to think about ourselves, our countries, our natures and our worlld. See this movie, let's try to do action!!
If you want to have more information, go to this site!↓↓

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