
Having the 2016 Olympics in Tokyo or NOT??

The governor of Tokyo,Shintaro Ishihara insists on having the 2016

olympis.However,Tokyo should not have the 2016 Olympics for the following

reasons;economic and security.

First reason is economic.These days many cities have money trouble.They cannot

pay for their arrears.Yubari city in Hokkaido is a good example.Yubari city made a lot

of entertainments such as an amusement park and museums.However,because of

depression,Yubari city were bankruptcy.There are some cities like Yubari city.It costs

too much have the Olympics in Tokyo.Instead of spending money for Olympics,we

should spend money for those cities to help.

Second reason is security.Nowadays Tokyo has become more dangerous city.Bad

news such as cases of muder with guns broadcast every day.If Tokyo would have the

Olympics,the law of not having guns in Japan would become easy to break because

there are some foreiners possibly bring guns to sell for Japanese

gangsters,pretending that they come to cheer for Olympics.

In conclusion,Tokyo should not have the 2016 Olympics due to economic and

security reasons.There are othe problems we should solve rapidly such as economic

problems,gun problems,the problem of pension and envirnmental problems.Ishihara

wants people to be cheerful through the Olympics,but there are many people who

have troubles and cannot be cheerful anyway.We have to think of those problems

and those people before thinking of Olympics.

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