
My favourite singer


Do you know Hayley Westenra?Well,She's my favourite singer!!
She's from Christ Church,New Zealand.She's 19 years old, one year younder than me.I love her voice!Her voice is soft and very clear.I don't listen to music very often but I love to hear her voice.You don't know her attractive singing unless you hear her song.I'm sure you like her!!

If you want to know her more, go to this site!↓


Having the 2016 Olympics in Tokyo or NOT??

The governor of Tokyo,Shintaro Ishihara insists on having the 2016

olympis.However,Tokyo should not have the 2016 Olympics for the following

reasons;economic and security.

First reason is economic.These days many cities have money trouble.They cannot

pay for their arrears.Yubari city in Hokkaido is a good example.Yubari city made a lot

of entertainments such as an amusement park and museums.However,because of

depression,Yubari city were bankruptcy.There are some cities like Yubari city.It costs

too much have the Olympics in Tokyo.Instead of spending money for Olympics,we

should spend money for those cities to help.

Second reason is security.Nowadays Tokyo has become more dangerous city.Bad

news such as cases of muder with guns broadcast every day.If Tokyo would have the

Olympics,the law of not having guns in Japan would become easy to break because

there are some foreiners possibly bring guns to sell for Japanese

gangsters,pretending that they come to cheer for Olympics.

In conclusion,Tokyo should not have the 2016 Olympics due to economic and

security reasons.There are othe problems we should solve rapidly such as economic

problems,gun problems,the problem of pension and envirnmental problems.Ishihara

wants people to be cheerful through the Olympics,but there are many people who

have troubles and cannot be cheerful anyway.We have to think of those problems

and those people before thinking of Olympics.


My favourite movie

I reccomend you to see the movie titled "Pay It Foward." This is my favourite movie. I have seen it many times.

The summary of this story is that the 11 years old boy, Trevor tried to healp 3 people. In his social class, a new teacher gave students an assignment, 'Think what we can do to be a nice world'. Trevor thought hard and he had an idea. 'I will help 3 people, and these people will help also 3 people each, so there are 9 people who are helped. They help other 3 people each again...and again and again...' First he explained to his classmates, they laughed at him because no one believe it couldn't do. However, Trevor tried to help his mother, a homeless man and his classmate who was teased by senior. However, it seemed to be hard for the 11 years old boy to help others. He was depressed and giving up his assignment, but...

the miracle was happend.
Main actor is Haley Joel Osment who played in Trevor. He was also in The Sixth Sense and Artificial Intelligence:AI. His acting has powerd of letting people feel moved, which is wonderful.
Many people think this world was bad, umcomfortable and not fair same as Trevor. There were a thousand of things which are sad, disppointed, cruel and terrible. This movie tried to change people and this terrible world. It is a heartwarming movie. This movie has some kind of power which we forget to have. When I finished to see it, I could not stop crying. Now we have to think about ourselves, our countries, our natures and our worlld. See this movie, let's try to do action!!
If you want to have more information, go to this site!↓↓


Classification Essay

I'm introducing to my Classification Essay.

Religions are indispensable to many people. People’s faiths are so firm that it is no doubt to say that their whole lives including customs and personalities revolve around religions. Religions are roughly divided into four categories; Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.

The first category is Christianity. Christianity was established in 4 A.D. by Jesus Christ. Christianity is distributed in Europe, America and Oceania. According to the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, the population of believers called Christians is 2 billion and this means Christianity is the biggest religion in the world. As defined by The Christian Life, their customs are doing fellowship with God, studying about a bible, preaching a gospel so that non-Christians know about Christianity and going to church on Sunday to pray to God.

The second category is Islam. Islam was built up about 610 A.D. by Muhammad. According to Wikipedia, most believers called Muslims live in Asia and North America. The population is 1.3 billion and Islam is the second biggest religion in the world. Their customs are attending worship to pray, fasting on Monday and Thursday, wearing a scarf (only women) and going on pilgrimage to Mecca.

The third category is Hinduism. Hinduism was set up in 4 B.C. by Aryan. Hinduism is distributed in India and South Asia. The population of believers called Hindus is 90 million and this means Hinduism is the third biggest religion in the world. There are many strict rules. For example, Hinduism has hierarchy which is decided by nature. HINDUWEBSITE notes that other their rules are fasting, not eating meats of most animals and serving food to the poor and needy.

The final category is Buddhism. Buddhism was established in 5 B.C. by Gateman Siddhartha. Buddhists live in China, Japan, and Southeast Asia. The population is 36 million and Buddhism is the fourth biggest religion in the world. As defined by Better Health Channel, their customs are chanting a prayer to the Buddha, avoiding meats and dairy products. Buddhist monks fast in the afternoon and they also avoid meats of bears, dogs, elephants, horses, snakes and tigers.

In conclusion, each religion has different characteristics. However, believing strongly to live believer’s lives is same as all religions. For them, which religions they belong to is very important because religions are based on their whole lives. Therefore, sometimes they criticize other religions. However, religion is implicit for them and makes their customs and personalities, so it is not strange they don’t like other religions.

Works Cited:
“Food Culture and religion: Better Health Channel” Report from the Victoria Minister for Health, 1999/2007.

“Islam-kyo”Wikipedia.org 8th of May 2007.

“Kirisuto-kyo”Wikipedia.org 8th of May 2007.

“The Christian Life”Soc. Religion. Christian.

V. Jayaram. “Hinduism and Food” HINDUWEBSITE, 2000-2007.



I believe all you know "Tonarino Totoro" filmed by Hayao Miyazaki. I saw it tends of time, but this time I saw it in English for studying. I' ve already seen it many times before, so I knew the story and the lines they speaking almost all. Therefore it was easy to understand.

"Tonari no Totoro" is a fantasy. The heroines of this story are Mai who is about 5 year old girl, full of curiosity, and cheerfully, and Satsuki who is about 11 year old girl, May's sister, smart, reliable and full of curiosity as well. Their mother was disease and they live with their father in a big old house (It's called haunted house) they just moved to. There was very beautiful scene!! There were lots of trees, natures, and stream...In there Mai and Satsuki met Totoro, a king of forests. Totoro has a big mouths, small eyes and noses, he's cute!! There are middle Totoro and small Totoro as well. They can't be seen by adults, only kids can see them. One day, Mai and Satsuki got the news which their mother couldn't come back to their house. She supposed to have short holiday at home on the weekend. Mai and Satsuki had a little argument because Mai couldn't understand why her mother couldn't come back . Then Mai decided to go to her hospital to bring a scorn which she picked up for her mother. But it took 3 hours from Mai's house to mother's hospital even for grown men. Mai got lost. Satsuki asked Totoro to help to find Mai. And Nekobasu (a cat's bus) which is a ride for Totoro took Satsuki to Mai and took Satsuki and Mai to their mother's hospital. It's very heart warming, if you haven't seen yet, you should see it!!

I found some differences between the story in Japanese and the story in English.
At first, do you know what 'makkurokurosuke' in English? It's 'dush bunny'. Sounds
strange, isn't it?
And it is the key word of opening song,'Aruko'( le't's walk) turn to be 'Hey, let's go♪Hey, let's go♪' I hoped it wasn't changing.
I was surprised that when Satsuki went to school, Mai and father said 'Itte rasshay.' in Japanese turned to be in English, they said,' Thanks for saying good bye!' I know they don't have a greeting when they go out in English like as 'Itte kimasu' and 'Itte rasshay' in Japanese. So, bit surprised.
Another thing I noticed it seemed to be interesting is that;do you know this scene that Mai and Satsuki let grew plants up with Totoro at night and in the morning, plants were not as they saw at night, but they surey sprout? And they shouted around plants, "Yume dakedo, Yume jya nakatta!!' again and again. In English, hey said, "it was only dream, it wasn't a dream."Mmm, in Japanese, these lines are very catchy.
But in English, they are not. And in English, there were lots of expressions such as 'oh','ow', 'raar', 'mm-hmm', 'ah', 'yay!', 'hee', 'whoo', 'ya!', 'rahhrr!', 'aah', 'hmm,' 'uh-huh', mmreowr'and so on. So much funny expressions! I can't count all of them!!
Other things I found is calling name. There are no expression such as 'One-chan' 'Mai-chan' and 'Micchyan (Satsuki's friend's nickname)' in English. Therefore, Mai called Satsuki 'sis'or 'Satsuki'(in Japanese Mai called Satuki 'One-chan'. Kanta's grandmother called Mai 'Mai' (in Japanese, she called Mai 'Mai- chan'). It sounds strange Mai called Satsuki calls so. And there is a snece like that; during Satsuki was looking for Mai, trying to go to hospital but got lost, and Kanta was running toward to Satsuki by bike and told Satsuki to go back and he was going to hospital instead of Satsuki. Kanta was running calling Satsuki, and Satsuki shouted his nick name' Kan-chan'. This scene is one of my favourite because at first they didn't get along with, but they were interested in each other and Satsuki first called'Kan-chan' in this scene. However, in English, Satsuki called him'Kanta'. Mmm, freiendly feeling does not come from this scene in English...
On the other hand, English has another way to express friendly. For example,Kanta's grandmother said, 'Our Mai' or 'Little Mai'. Other Example is like that; there was a scene that Kanta's grandmother encourage Satsuki who was very worried her mother might be died. She said to Satsuki, "Your mother will be alright. ' Your nanny' will be with you." It sounds more friendly.
Oh I wonder that if foreign people see this movie, and see Mai and Satsuki were eating low non-cut cucumbers. Foreign people don't have such a custom, don't they?

It is so different comparing Japanese and English translation. Both of languages have pros and
cons. The purpose of seeing this movie was listening English, but I also can learn about their differences, pros and cons and re-think Japanese is a wonderful language.


Sherlock Holmes

There are many books I like but recently my favourite book is "Sherlock Holmes" written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I'd like to tell you about this book as his enthusiastic fan and I hope you will feel like reading.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Great Britain in 22 nd of May, 1859 and died in 7th of July, 1930. He mainly drew whodunits and historical novels. "Sherlock Holmes" was one of whodunits. He wrote 4 long storys and 56 short storys oh Sherlock Holmes.

"Sherlock Holmes" was described in eyes of John H. Watson. Watson is a doctor and the best partner of Sherlock Holmes. He was attractive Sherlock, so he decided to record of Sherlock's Skillful inference. And he published. Sherlock has various skill of a detective such as lipreading, observation, concentration, acting power, wide knowledge and so on. One of thing I was attractive and surprised is his observation. When he first met Watson, he guessed Watson is a doctor, he was an army surgeon during the war, He came back from Afghanistan by small his gesture and his appearance. Amazing ah!? Sherlock was described as a cold person and he was unconcerned except his job. But sometimes he shows us he is a heartwarming person, which I really like to read. Thecase he treated was very wide, to a personal level from a national level. What is important forhim to decide he undertakes to investigate is if the case is interesting, not money. He often cooperates with police officers, but he let them make an outstanding job even if he solved. He is not interested in honor. He is interested in a process of inference. I shall stop to tell you about him.
If you are interested in, you shall read!! I recommend you to read
"The Adventure of the Dancing Men" in "The Return Of Sherlock Holmes",
"The Adventure of the Dying Detective" in "His Last Bow",
"The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire" in "The case of Sherlock Holmes".
I'm sure you like Sherlock Holmes and you get an illusion he is a real person.

Work Cited:Wikipedia<http://ja.wikipedia.org/>