
Evaluation of IE Core

To Mr.Richardson,

At first, I was so nervous because the member has changed. Actually, I was worried about it from Spring holiday. But I felt relieved by your funny reaction and talking. The introdustion was good so that I could talk to half of the member. But there were few opportunity to talk to people, so I wanted to talk to other groups of member more.

Video production was ok. I had a new ecperienced. However, because I had never used a video camera, I didn't know how to use. It took much time to learn about using video camera, so I wanted to have more time to take a movie. Editing was fun. I was suprised that we could edit like real TV program (laugh).

I had fun with your talking. I learn about situation of America(such as about homeless and street children), about literature and about movie. One thing I cannot understand is that you have too much black humours. Sometimes it's fun, but sometimes I cannnot laugh... But most of you talking, I liked it.

Leaning about Second life is nice because it's becoming popular in Japan as well. I sometime watch about Second Life on TV. It's always good to know about recent information so that we have many knowkedge of society.

Generally, I had a nice time. I don't know If my English was improved. I hope so...

Thank you very much for teaching us.

1 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...

Nice blog Yu-chan. I hadn't heard the NZ girl sing before. Thanks. Have a good summer. Going home?See you in the fall term.